Definition of personality
Definition of personality The concept of personality
The concept of personality describes the personality traits of individuals. These characteristics differ from one person to another, where each individual is distinguished by characteristics that distinguish him from the other. The term "personality" usually has two concepts or meanings: social skills and interaction with the external environment. In the study of the human personality and beyond, with a scientific and specialized perspective, the most important of which are: psychology , sociology , and psychology. [1] [2]
Definition of personality
There are several definitions of the concept of personality, different depending on the field of study and science taught, and the most prominent general definitions of personality:
Psychological definitions of personality
One of the most prominent definitions of personal psychologists : [3]
1- The world defined it as the modes and harmonious responses of the individual to his environment; that is, the state of balance between self-motivation and environmental requirements.
2- The definition of Morton Bryce interprets personality as the sum total of individual characteristics, inherited biological preparations, experiences and patterns acquired from the external environment. This definition focuses on the internal aspects and aspects that characterize the individual.
3- Bowden defines personality as the innate and persistent tendencies and tendencies of man, which regulate the process of harmony between an individual and his environment.
4- Rubak defined personality as a set of social, cognitive and emotional responses and preparations .
5- May and Flemming defined it as the overall traits, attributes and habits that would influence others and their attitudes.
6- Osman Farah's definition of personality was defined as the internal organization of the individual's self- emotional and external responses , as well as the higher mental processes, such as cognition and remembrance that determine the form of individual response behavior patterns. [4]
Definitions of sociologists of personality
Known sociologists personal several definitions as one of the basic elements of the social fact, was the most prominent of these definitions: [2]
- Besanner defined personality as the habits, patterns and characteristics of a given individual, which result from acquired biological and social genetic factors.
- Ojbran and Nemkov defined personality as the social and psychological compatibility and integration of human behavior. This consensus reflects the habits, attitudes, opinions, and responses of all stimuli.
The concept of personality in philosophy
He began to talk about the concept of personality in the fifth century BC, and was the first to refer to the explanation and study of the character and its possessions philosopher Hepogra, where he felt that the most important factors that determine the personality is the mood , ethics, social classes, but the philosopher Kartishm divided the personality into two important complementary aspects The two aspects of self-appearance are self-perceptions and self-perception, and the objective aspect of responses to different stimuli and interaction with others.
The association of self-appearance with the objective appearance shows that the feeling of individuality and distinction in a particular skill or field among others is a clear requirement of self-appearance and self-perception. [5]

Other definitions of personality
There are many other scientific definitions of the concept of personality , including:
- Personality is the personal organization of the individual, which includes all the patterns and behavioral interactions that have an important role in the choice of his own way of adapting and interacting with his environment. [6]
- A set of emotional, social, physical and mental characteristics and traits that distinguish the individual from all around him, be it innate biological or inherited inherited. [7]
Construction career of personality
Career building personality integrated components contain, are closely linked to the situation of stability and freedom from disturbance, shows morbidity and anomalies in the construction of public figure, in the event of the imbalance in one of the components or the relationship between them, and these components: [8]
1- Physical components: The general appearance of the individual of weight and height, general physical safety, the presence of physical disabilities, the level of efficiency of motor skills, and the total activity of the individual in different life situations, in addition to organs functions, and internal organs such as nervous system , periodic and digestive.
2- Cognitive and cognitive components include brain and brain functions, such as general intelligence, mental abilities, language and verbal abilities and skills, and the level of performance of higher mental processes such as analysis,
3- Emotional components: The individual's response to different stimuli, such as love, anger, joy, sadness, etc., as well as the level of stability and emotional stability, and the extent of these emotions in the circle of emotions and emotions .
4- Social components: The components that are directly related to the methods of family and social upbringing at home, school or the surroundings of friends, as well as the values ​​and trends, and the roles of the individual in society.
Factors affecting personality
The human personality is negatively and positively affected by many factors, the most important of which are: [9]
1 - Methods and methods of family upbringing: The obvious effect of the family on the formation of the personality of the individual, as it is the first environment he has experienced since his birth, acquires many skills, experiences and behavioral patterns that affect the personality of the individual in a negative or positive manner. Calm and stable, giving its members peace of mind and self-confidence.
2 - External environmental factors: All types of family and social upbringing in the home, school, and public society affect the formative construction of the human personality. These factors manifest themselves in many forms, such as customs, traditions, values and religious beliefs.
3 - Internal physical factors: The physiological factors that affect the formation of the personality of the individual, such as disorders in the secretions of the various glands, the low secretion of thyroid hormones make the individual idle and unable to concentrate to perform various tasks, and the imbalance in the secretions of the pituitary gland may affect the process of balance The general structure of the body, in addition to the general structure of the body has a clear impact in the formation of the personality of the individual, the person who owns the physical structure and large muscle tend to love control, and take the leadership positions in the community, but the individual with weak physical structure The thin , it may be less demand for social life, and tends to move away from competitive positions. [10]

1/↑ Ahmad Abdel Khaleq (1987), The Basic Dimensions of Personality (4th Edition), Alexandria: Dar Al Maarifah Al-Hibbiyya, p.
2/^ A B Mamri Ahmed, Hamlawi Radwan, Boulal Mabrouk, the efficiency of the professor of physical education and sports and its impact on his professional performance , page 9-12.
3/↑ Aisha Al-Badi, Some Characteristics of Personality and its Relation to Self-efficacy among Social Workers , p.
4/↑ Othman Farah, Abdel Salam Abdel Ghaffar (1977), Personal and Social Psychology , Cairo: Dar al-Nahda al-Arabiya, p. 251.
5/↑ Maamri Ahmed, Hamlawi Radwan, Boulal Mabrouk, Efficiency of the Professor of Physical Education and Sports and its impact on his professional performance , page 10-11.
6/↑ "Definition of Personality" , University of Babylon - Faculty of Fine Arts , see it on 18-5-2017.
7/↑ Hamid Zahran (2005), Psychiatric Health and Psychotherapy (4th ed.), Egypt: World of Books, p.
8/↑ Nidal al-Shamaly, The Five Factors of Personality and its Relation to Depression in Patients Attending Gaza Community Center - Gaza Community Mental Health Program , 19-20.
9 /↑ "Factors Affecting the Human Personality" , Manhal of Educational Culture , accessed on 30-5-2017.
10/↑ "Factors Affecting Personality" , University of Babylon - Faculty of Basic Sciences , see it on 8-6-2017.
2/^ A B Mamri Ahmed, Hamlawi Radwan, Boulal Mabrouk, the efficiency of the professor of physical education and sports and its impact on his professional performance , page 9-12.
3/↑ Aisha Al-Badi, Some Characteristics of Personality and its Relation to Self-efficacy among Social Workers , p.
4/↑ Othman Farah, Abdel Salam Abdel Ghaffar (1977), Personal and Social Psychology , Cairo: Dar al-Nahda al-Arabiya, p. 251.
5/↑ Maamri Ahmed, Hamlawi Radwan, Boulal Mabrouk, Efficiency of the Professor of Physical Education and Sports and its impact on his professional performance , page 10-11.
6/↑ "Definition of Personality" , University of Babylon - Faculty of Fine Arts , see it on 18-5-2017.
7/↑ Hamid Zahran (2005), Psychiatric Health and Psychotherapy (4th ed.), Egypt: World of Books, p.
8/↑ Nidal al-Shamaly, The Five Factors of Personality and its Relation to Depression in Patients Attending Gaza Community Center - Gaza Community Mental Health Program , 19-20.
9 /↑ "Factors Affecting the Human Personality" , Manhal of Educational Culture , accessed on 30-5-2017.
10/↑ "Factors Affecting Personality" , University of Babylon - Faculty of Basic Sciences , see it on 8-6-2017.
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